How is Your Soul?

How is Your Soul?

No one sets out to diminish the health of their own soul… but let’s face it — it happens. – This June I will have been in full time pastoral ministry for 20 years. I love my calling and have enjoyed the highs of ministry and managed to stay sane...
Supernaturally Silent

Supernaturally Silent

Anyone a talker? I can control my talking, but if you give me the time and space I can talk for a long time (just ask my wife). If you combine the fact that I like to talk with the fact that I am in charge of our youth group’s schedule, that makes for a bad...
Create Creativity!

Create Creativity!

Like the other bloggers this week I will admit I am not the most creative person. But with that being said, there is an importance for being creative within the ministry.  Creativity keeps things fresh, which is ultimately what will keep students engaging.  Here are a...