Ignite: Lighting the Fires of a Generation

Ignite: Lighting the Fires of a Generation

Rick Olmstead is the Director for Youth and Youth Adults on the National Board for the Vineyard USA. To set the tone for 2013, Rick he will be writing a series over the next couple weeks on his vision to ignite the next generation in the Vineyard. It all began for me...

Why Should I Spend Time With God?

Over the summer the Anaheim Vineyard youth group held a youth discipleship program. The teens had a final project to do with several options to choose from—one of which was to write about something they experienced this summer while doing the program. Redpoint is...

Cultivation Generation 2012

My name is Kiah Jones. I’m 15 and from the Vineyard Boise. God moved me. Broke me. Changed me over Cultivation Generation 2012. This is my story….what I could express. My spirit has so much more to say about what I experienced over this past week than my...