VY Blog

Written by vineyard youth workers,

for vineyard youth workers.

YP FAIL: Cultivating A Culture of Growth

YP FAIL: Cultivating A Culture of Growth

When I first started out in youth ministry, I had a deep desire to see young people realize their gifts and grow in those giftings. As a worship leader who myself ‘got in the game’ at an early age, I wanted to see students come alive with the call God had placed on...

The Challenge of Leading Your Own Kids

The Challenge of Leading Your Own Kids

This is probably the hardest article for me to write as it pokes at a pain that runs deeper than anything I have encountered as a youth leader. The problem: My children in youth group are the kids that are the hardest to lead and those that I fear I am failing. As I...

Following Well and Why It Matters

Following Well and Why It Matters

I spent about 6 years as a volunteer in youth ministry before I became a Youth Pastor. During that time, I found myself waiting, not so patiently, for my opportunity to lead. I began to feel a growing call to ministry, specifically youth ministry, and I wanted to lead...

Leading Yourself to Lead Others Well

Leading Yourself to Lead Others Well

Leading is hard. There’s no question about that. And leading a youth ministry is on a whole new level. Volunteers, tireless middle schoolers, sarcastic high schoolers, events, games, sermons, calendaring, budgeting… it never ends. And if you’re anything like me, you...

Growing From Conflict

Growing From Conflict

If I could sum up most of what I preach to teenagers in one word it would be the word: grow. Grow towards God. Grow in your faith. Grow in love and grace. Grow by reading your bible, praying, serving others, attending church and youth events. The way I am told to grow...

Tips on Planning Your Mission Trip

Tips on Planning Your Mission Trip

Every year, students travel far and near to participate in youth mission trips with their local church or as a part of a missions organization. If you are a part of a church with a tradition of missions and specific relationships with pastors or missionaries at a...

Pro Tips for Building a Bridge with Parents

Pro Tips for Building a Bridge with Parents

When working with students in a Youth Ministry context, there are so many moving parts that it’s often hard to keep an eye on everything. Youth leaders run services, come up with games, preach, pull off events, and eat more pizza than a human being should. In tandem...

6 Pro Tips for Burning Out this Year!

6 Pro Tips for Burning Out this Year!

Almost everyone sets goals at the beginning of each year. Maybe you don’t set personal goals, but you probably have set goals for work or for your ministry. If burnout is on your list of things to accomplish this year, here are 6 pro tips for making sure 2019 is your...

What I Have Learned from A Decade of Mentoring Teens

What I Have Learned from A Decade of Mentoring Teens

I will never forget my first week as a Youth Pastor at age twenty-two. During a meet and greet with youth and their families, a mother frantically approached me with an awkward request, “Thank the sweet Lord they hired a woman!” she said in a thick southern accent. “I...

Are You Sick?

Are You Sick?

I'm going to come clean about an addiction here. I'm addicted to podcasts. Seriously can't get enough! Right now my greatest addiction is the Carey Nieuwhof podcast. You should listen to it, like, every day. But seriously, I wanted to share one that really struck a...