VY Blog

Written by vineyard youth workers,

for vineyard youth workers.

A More Christlike God

A More Christlike God

If I was to pick one book that has impacted my ideas of who God is, it would be A More Christlike God, by Bradley Jersak. My thoughts on the book can be summed up by examining the thesis of this book, what is God really like? The author does an amazing job at breaking...

Three Tips for Helping Teens Value Outreach

Three Tips for Helping Teens Value Outreach

I truly believe the local church is the hope of the world. And outreach to your local city or community is a key factor to reaching your city for Jesus. But getting students to see the why and the value of outreach can be a challenge. How do we instill this in...

Who Cares?

Who Cares?

I saw a video clip of a woman going before a judge to address a ticket she received for a moving violation, and in this exchange, the lady's 3-digit license plate became the focal point of their discussion. Apparently, you have to be somebody special to have a 3-digit...

Vineyard and Sole Hope

Vineyard and Sole Hope

I grew up in the vineyard church, and spent years co-leading Vineyard youth groups. My kids are growing up miles down a dirt road on the banks of the River Nile in Uganda. I’m passionate about two things: First, is youth growing up well. Second, is serving people that...

Leading Teens Through a Prayer Walk Step By Step

Leading Teens Through a Prayer Walk Step By Step

When Christians say they participate in prayer walks this can bring up an array of interpretations in one’s mind. Prayer walks can be personal experiences between the individual or it can happen in group. Personally, every time I take my dog for a walk around the...

Three ways to gauge your spiritual health

Three ways to gauge your spiritual health

I have found that knowing yourself is the most important aspect of soul care. Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” The relationship you have with yourself is equally important to your relationship with God. You are the only one that...

Switching Gears to Make to Room for Growth

Switching Gears to Make to Room for Growth

I landed my first job as a Youth Pastor when I was twenty-two years old feeling full of confidence and aspirations. I took youth ministry classes, did a training program, went to seminary, and had been serving in church leadership roles for a while. Out of the many...

Tenacious Pursuit

Tenacious Pursuit

Do you know any young adults in your church (or maybe you are one!) who are craving authentic Christian community, and looking for an opportunity for discipleship, growth and spiritual formation? They (you) are invited to Tenacious Pursuit, a leadership bootcamp...

Finding Devotions in Every Day

Finding Devotions in Every Day

When I was a teenager, I used to think it was lame when Christians said they had to do their morning devotions. I thought it made God sound like a mean and boring history teacher making Christians do homework. Devotions were explained to me as the way to connect with...