Ministry Logistics: A Full-Circle Checkup

Ministry Logistics: A Full-Circle Checkup

Canyon View Vineyard Church in Grand Junction, CO had hosted a winter youth conference called White Out for years.  They had finally outgrown their beautiful venue in Buena Vista, CO called Young Life’s Frontier Ranch, however;  the 500 available slots were scooped up...
The Sunday-Monday Gap Kills Church’s Growth

The Sunday-Monday Gap Kills Church’s Growth

One of the most life-giving gifts that pastors can ever give to a local congregation is wise understanding for how to live life as it is meant to be lived; a life of loving service to God and to our neighbors. Try reading the New Testament epistles that way and...
Women in Youth Ministry

Women in Youth Ministry

Women in ministry? I’m a woman and a pretty darn good youth pastor.  It’s hard to be a woman in ministry.  Let’s face it–women in pastoral leadership have not always been well received.  It’s rare to see women leading the charge and it’s even more rare to find...
Ignite: Lighting the Fires of a Generation

Ignite: Lighting the Fires of a Generation

Rick Olmstead is the Director for Youth and Youth Adults on the National Board for the Vineyard USA. To set the tone for 2013, Rick he will be writing a series over the next couple weeks on his vision to ignite the next generation in the Vineyard. It all began for me...