by Jeff Biggers | Oct 12, 2016 | Soul Care
In reflection we can see children and youth ministry as a transitional work. We are pouring out into young people who are rapidly passing by us through their childhood journey of changing and challenging life discoveries. The seasons all go by so fast. In what seems...
by Karina Rodriguez | Jul 6, 2016 | YM How To
We all know that kid. The one who comes from an awesome, Christ-centered family. The one who is there every Sunday and Wednesday. The one who actually responds to your event-reminder texts. The one who unabashedly worships Jesus with their arms raised. The one you...
by Tim Levert | Dec 1, 2015 | Soul Care, Uncategorized
Phil Strout, National Director of Vineyard USA, recently shared a message to all the youth leaders in the Vineyard movement. Take a few minutes and be encouraged by one of your biggest cheerleaders!
by Kathy Briscoe | Jun 6, 2014 | Ministry Stories
Anyone who works with high school students can attest to how difficult it is to be a senior facing the road to graduation and beyond. Especially ominous can be the weight of knowing they must decide what to do for the rest of their lives. What 17 or 18 year old can...
by Christian Dunn | Apr 25, 2014 | Re-Think
I’m spending this week in Fort Collins, Colorado at the Ignite Summit for Leaders to be ignited with a passion for youth and kids. I had the privilege of leading a discussion with around 100 youth leaders from all over the nation, and one topic we had a chance...
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