Seeking the Justice of the Kingdom – Part 1

Redpoint is excited to announce a quarterly release of articles this year from The Vineyard Anti-Slavery Team (VAST)/Justice Response Task Force. This and next week’s articles are the first edition. We believe that Justice and the issues surrounding it are...

How Youth Ministry Shaped My Life

I have now been in ministry for over fifty years.  It all started with the youth ministry of the denomination in which I was raised.  I had just graduated from high school and had already enrolled in Weber State College in Ogden, Utah, where I hoped to play football. ...

Creating Outward Focused Disciples

Are Outreach and Discipleship Mutually Exclusive? We can be tempted to view outreach (the “Mission” of the Church) and discipleship (the formation of the individual follower of Jesus) as two distinct things. Outreach, or evangelism, can be seen as a project or...

Talking With Your Teens

When I was in my early twenties, I decided to go on a “road trip” to a conference. I was very excited to go until a friend of mine asked if he could come with me. Now, I love this friend, but the thought of six hours alone in the car with anyone terrified...

Writing The Story

Have you ever battled with how much is too much when it comes to sharing your life story with teenagers? Have fear or shame kept you from revealing your true story to students? Learn how sharing your story in a raw and genuine way can bring freedom and empowerment to...