by Rick Olmstead | Feb 5, 2013 | Moments of Grace
As we seek to rescue and reach a generation at risk it is imperative that we do not lose those growing up in our midst. Our goal must be that every kid and teenager has a growing relationship with Jesus Christ – firmly rooted in the Bible and Christian worldview; an...
by Rick Olmstead | Jan 4, 2013 | Re-Think
When you look at your life do you ever wonder if there are specific moments that God has created for you to step into? I believe that God is actively working to accomplish his will and there are moments, divine moments, when we realize that God has positioned us,...
by Rick Olmstead | Dec 29, 2012 | Re-Think
Rick Olmstead is the Director for Youth and Youth Adults on the National Board for the Vineyard USA. To set the tone for 2013, Rick he will be writing a series over the next couple weeks on his vision to ignite the next generation in the Vineyard. It all began for me...
by Dave Paolozzi | Nov 28, 2012 | Moments of Grace
Suffering is one of the topics that most people, including myself, want nothing to do with. However, there is a great deal that Jesus can teach us through our times of suffering. Here in the US we certainly do not suffer like our early Christian brothers did. For...
by Christian Dunn | Jul 24, 2012 | Re-Think
I was 14 years old when it happened. Insecure. Wanting to please people. So desperately wanting to be liked. That’s when the adult leader of the Bible Study I had been attending asked the question, “Would any of you like to try to lead?” He...
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