by Karina Rodriguez | Aug 22, 2016 | Re-Think
Are we doing ministry or sin management? As a minister, that can be a jarring question and can quite frankly leave you in a quandary – “what’s the difference between the two?” At one point in our youth ministry we had several un-churched students attending. These...
by Karina Rodriguez | Jul 6, 2016 | YM How To
We all know that kid. The one who comes from an awesome, Christ-centered family. The one who is there every Sunday and Wednesday. The one who actually responds to your event-reminder texts. The one who unabashedly worships Jesus with their arms raised. The one you...
by Christian Dunn | Jul 5, 2016 | YM How To
This week I was reading through posts on Vineyard Youth USA’s facebook page and I came across a discussion that was both challenging and encouraging. I wanted to encapsulate it here. I’ve obtained permission from the commenters, and you can visit the link...
by Tim Levert | Dec 1, 2015 | Soul Care, Uncategorized
Phil Strout, National Director of Vineyard USA, recently shared a message to all the youth leaders in the Vineyard movement. Take a few minutes and be encouraged by one of your biggest cheerleaders!
by Jessie Carlson | Jun 20, 2014 | Re-Think
I grew up in a country church of 200 individuals. It was far from perfect and had its faults, as all churches do. But from the ages of 5 through 18, I thought it was perfect. Each Sunday morning I was greeted by multiple youth and adults who not only knew my...
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