A More Christlike God

A More Christlike God

If I was to pick one book that has impacted my ideas of who God is, it would be A More Christlike God, by Bradley Jersak. My thoughts on the book can be summed up by examining the thesis of this book, what is God really like? The author does an amazing job at breaking...

Evangelism and God’s Presence

Jerry Root and Stan Guthrie’s book, The Sacrament of Evangelism (Moody Publishers: 2011), is the must-read book of recent years on evangelism, which I recommend for first-time inquirers or for those of us that lead in the areas of discipleship-training, outreach...

The Reason for God

As a typical New Englander (which I think I can call myself after 10 years), I was a bit skeptical of the title and reviews for Timothy Keller’s latest book, The Reason for God. I have yet to read an author who rivals C.S. Lewis in raw power and anointing when dealing...