“Not That Creative”

“Not That Creative”

Assigning me the task of writing on creativity in youth ministry is akin to asking a grizzly to go vegan…it just ain’t in my nature. You may not know me very well, so allow me to paint a portrait of who I am as an introduction to the journey we are about to take...
Relationship: The Key To Teams

Relationship: The Key To Teams

I was given the role of youth pastor two years ago and have found building a reliable volunteer team to be one of the biggest challenges I’ve faced in that time. I have so far learned two valuable lessons: 1. It is best to work slowly on building a team. 2. It is...
Unintended Consequences

Unintended Consequences

You have seen it in movies and read about it in books… those plot changes that get slipped in to the storyline to show you what would have happened if…  If she had turned right instead of left.  If he had accepted the challenge to drag race.  If he had...
Students Need You

Students Need You

Writing down my thoughts about engaging students on local campuses is kind of like giving a sermon about evangelism. I love evangelism. It comes naturally to me, I enjoy people who don’t know Jesus, and I meet with God in the process. However, giving a sermon about...
On Campus

On Campus

Can I tell you a secret? It might come as a surprise. You’ll probably find it hard to believe. But it’s true. Are you ready? Schools want us on their campuses. Go ahead and laugh, gnash your teeth, rip your clothes, cut yourself with broken shards of pottery … I’ll...
Avoiding the Silos of Ministry

Avoiding the Silos of Ministry

I’ve always been fascinated with the “bigger picture”. Regardless of what it is, I want to see how what I’m doing falls within the bigger picture. This is especially true in the concept of ministry. I’ve always loved the idea of teams and teamwork, so the thought that...