VY Blog

Written by vineyard youth workers,

for vineyard youth workers.

How to Plan for the Best Mission Trip Ever

How to Plan for the Best Mission Trip Ever

I will never forget the best mission trip experience I ever had. I took twenty-two teenagers to Puerto Rico to serve at a kid’s camp for a short-term mission trip. After leading dozens of youth ministry trips, I can honestly say this was the best youth trip ever! The...

3 Tips for Creating a Plan for Your Youth Group

3 Tips for Creating a Plan for Your Youth Group

Are you much of a planner? Sometimes the thought of trying to plan a year for youth ministry is overwhelming - I've tried to distill what we do annually into a three step process. This hopefully helps! The first step… Why do you want or need a plan? Is it because you...

The Great Balancing Act of Work and Family

The Great Balancing Act of Work and Family

I never fully realized how much of a struggle it would be to balance family and work life. I thought being a Youth Pastor meant my family would somehow be integrated into the work I do. This is true sometimes; however, my kids are young and require a good deal of...

Soul Care: Reflecting Through God’s Eyes

Soul Care: Reflecting Through God’s Eyes

“I am going to do it anyway…” Not to put all the blame on God, but he did make me this way. That statement is not one I often recommend falling back on, but sometimes the process of Spiritual Formation isn’t about learning something new, but instead taking something...

YP Fail: Don’t Forget Your Leaders

YP Fail: Don’t Forget Your Leaders

My worst fail was not youth-ministry-related, but it did happen in church. It involved an advent candle I forgot to blow out that led to a fire that burned part of the stage and caused the church to smell like smoke for a month. Let’s just say I haven’t lived that one...

Transformation Through Belonging

Transformation Through Belonging

I will never forget the first day she came to youth group. She stood in the back behind the counter with her arms folded. Everything in her face seemed to scream to the world to leave her alone! So I made sure to give her an extra warm greeting despite the signals she...