Vineyard Youth Pilgrimage Resources

Life with God

Discipleship starts with a personal, life changing, relationship with Jesus. Everything else flows from this center of our lives. These Pilgrimage Pathways are part of a life long journey to knowing Jesus.

Following Jesus First

Knowing the Word

Why Read the Bible

5 week video series

Sermon on the Mount

13 week small group

The Kingdom and You

4 week study

Practicing Disciplines of Spiritual Formation

Why Read the Bible

5 week video series

Experiencing the Supernatural

Empowered by the Spirit

4 week video series

Hearing God’s Voice

4 week video series


12 week study

Growing in Character

Inside & Out

13 week study

Recommended Reading

Life in Community

Discipleship is best experienced in community with other believers. As we are transformed by our personal relationship with Jesus, we both overflow to touch the lives of others, and are touched by their lives. Together we grow to become the Body of Christ.

Participating in Community

Community Starts
with You

4 week study

Embracing Diversity

We Are One

4 week video series

Living Selflessly

Recommended Reading

Life on Mission

The overflow of our relationship with God, and each other, is partnering with God on his mission. Our gifts and calling in God are the result of our devotion to him, and our love for one another.

Feeling Called and Commissioned

Ministering Confidently

Empowered by
the Spirit

4 week video series

Hearing God’s Voice

4 week video series

Living Missionally

Risk Takers

4 week video series

Sharing the Story

Recommended Reading