
Topic: Preaching to Teens

Speakers: Mike Gay (Student Ministries Pastor, Vineyard Community Church; Southwest RYL) and Christian Dunn (Pastor CityLight Vineyard, National YL)


Topic: What is Discipleship?

Speakers: Evan Brownell (VY Team); Brandon Henderson (Urbana)


Topic: Releasing the Ministry of the Spirit for the Next Generation

Speakers: Putty Putman (Vineyard Central Illinois, SoKM), Christian Dunn (The Barn, Vineyard Youth)


Topic: Teens in Your Community: Ministering in Schools and with Non-churched Families

Speakers: Wes Watkins (Youth and Young Adult Pastor, Anaheim Vineyard), Shane Huey (Youth Pastor, Vineyard Columbus)


Topic: Rites of Passage: Developing Milestones, Trailmarkers, and Traditions

Speakers: Jacob Gaines (Student Min. Pastor – Vineyard Community Church, VA; Mid-Atlantic Regional Youth Leader), Gabe Qunitana (Young Adult Pastor – Canyonview Vineyard, CO; Rocky Mountains Regional Youth Leader)