VY Mission Trips

We know that mission trips are far from your thoughts right now but we hope and believe that someday soon they will be part of your normal ministry schedule.  We want to make sure we are available to help you plan. 

Vineyard Youth USA Mission Trips Are:

The VY short-term mission experience creates the framework for a student’s interaction with a different culture and/or socio-economic background.  The focus is on the “be” and the student’s relationships both vertically with their heavenly Father and horizontally with the community they are engaging. Not the “do.” This does not mean that there is no “do” but it is secondary to relationship building, learning, and experience. 

This allows for a focussed intentional time …

>  Where a student can ask God to open up their our hearts to the plight of the poor and marginalized,  and/or someone who comes from a different faith or worldview.

>  When a student’s theology or the way they see the world is rocked to the core, challenged, deconstructed and reconstructed by the Holy Spirit.

>  Where a student can discern a vocation more deeply on the margins no matter where they may end up.

The emphasis is on the student’s pursuing communion over expediency in the mission trip locations where we are serving alongside vineyard church’s and ministries.

Students will be serving alongside local churches and ministries through children’s ministry, prayer walking, evangelism, work projects, homeless outreach, and community events in addition to the specific focus of a location.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

How You’ll Serve

The ministry you’ll be doing in Philadelphia will center around the Upper Darby area where over 100 languages are spoken within a 10-block radius. 

You’ll be serving in a variety of ways in low-income neighborhoods through children’s ministry outreach, prayer in the street outings, community enrichment initiatives, and work projects at refugee homes, the church, and parks. 

Cost: $399.00

Dublin, Ireland

How You’ll Serve:

In a city of 1.5 million people with less than 20,000 believers, we will be addressing practical needs while building relationships and sharing the gospel. As the people of Dublin become more and more disillusioned with “religion,” our desire is to introduce people to the hope that is Jesus. 

Our ministry in Dublin is extensive and diverse.  Evening outreach to homeless people and addicts, with referrals to a Christian rehabilitation program, preparing and serving food at a homeless outreach, Ministry to inner-city children and families, including after-school care, a Bible program, and summer camps, Prayer-walking through the city are just a few of the things that you will be involved with

Cost: $1099.00 

Maneadero, Mexico

How You’ll Serve:

Our work in Baja will be centered on the 25,000 person town of Maneadero, a bustling agriculture community about 120 minutes south of San Diego.  

We will be serving alongside local ministry partners in a myriad of ways from block parties, to community clean-up, work projects out at Oasis Boys Home ( http://centrooasisac.com/ ), prayer on the streets, etc … whatever our local ministry partners have asked us to do.  

Cost: $599.00 


con the “Register Your Group Here”  button at the top of the page to begin the registration process