Project Timothy
is a one week camp
focused on
discipling teen leaders.
2025 Locations and Dates
If you have questions email us here!
LOCATION: Iglesia La Viña de Mayaguez, PR
COST: $175
FOR INFO: Email Carmen Suarez
DATES: June 29 – July 4
Paul met Timothy when Timothy was very young. Immediately Paul saw his potential, and spent years investing in Timothy’s gifts, training him as a leader, and releasing him into meaningful ministry. Project Timothy’s goal is to inspire, motivate, train, and release a group of young leaders in the Vineyard!
Daily we’ll have regional and national speakers offering leadership and ministry training. Our teachings are both motivational and practical—by the end, all students will have been trained in, and practiced, all of the following: giving a short teaching (depending on their year); leading a small group; organizing and leading an outreach; praying the 5-step model over people; and more! We’ll also train and provide opportunities for personal reflection and time with God. Each night we’ll have a time of worship, a teaching, and extended time for prophetic and prayer ministry. We’ll be conducting several community outreaches with the goal of igniting a lasting passion for outreach that they’ll carry home with them. Lastly, we’ll have lots of fun! There will be hiking, swimming, sports, games and lots of other great things to do—building lasting friendships with Vineyard youth from across the region.
Teen leaders (14-17 yrs old) who show leadership potential, and can commit to serving for at least 1 year at their youth group, their church, or their community in a leadership capacity. Also, current youth pastors/adult leaders who are willing to give up a week and serve as an adult will have their expenses covered by the region (usually one per church, contact us if you are interested).
Price: TBD
Housing: Students will be housed in host homes.
Registration: Senior pastors and youth pastors choose teen leaders from their churches to attend. Teens should fill out the registration form at the top of the page.
Our goal is for teens to return for several years, so that the foundation of the first year can be built upon and solidified. Relationships are also strengthened across years, and it gives students a great chance to mentor each other! Below is our four year plan with goals we set for each year, and specific classes that will be taught. If you are interested in being an intern, please contact the site you are interested in!